Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Day 19 (5/1/12)
Well, I think it’s fair to assume that anyone who knows me, knows that I love a good old fashioned spa day! Heck, it doesn’t even have to be the whole day. I’ll take anything I can get...so long as it’s in the name of pampering myself. On this trip alone I’ve already tried the traditional Thai massage in which I was bent like a human bow & arrow (and didn’t have much to complain about there seeing as I left feeling like a million bucks). Then there was the Vietnamese double date massage with Sabi, where the lovely masseuse ladies climbed right up on those little folding tables with each of us. Then halfway through the massage they threw a pedi in the mix which was much to our surprise and delight.
So when the opportunity came up for a Malaysian spa retreat I was on it like white on rice! Dave and I sussed out the local “Fish Spa” and I thought I should at least give it a try, seeing as my poor dry, cracked soles have suffered immensely on this soul searching journey. I knew Dave was not going to be my partner in crime on this adventure, so I embraced it on my lonesome. The whole idea is that these schools of little fishies eat away at the dead skin on your feet leaving them smooth and supple. I’m not going to lie...I thought it was going to be easy breezy, but it was terrifying! As soon as I swung my feet over the ledge and dangled them above the water those ravenous little guppies actually leaped from the water to get at my feet! I decided that I better just dive in and with that almost every fish in the pond came to snack on my soles! It was weird to say the least...it tickled and pinched and mostly just felt like a slow agonizing torture that would make for a good fear factor challenge. Ok, so maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement, but i didn’t want to freak out and kick a million fish in the face at once so I just tried to sit there as long as I could. Apparently the owner doesn’t feed them, so they are starving I would imagine (although I think today I may have generously offered them a thanksgiving feast complete with coral reef scabs for entree). And just like with a lot of things that happen in Asia, you must not think too much about the hygienics or you will be left sitting & starving in your hotel room (for your sake I have left out the details of the toilets here). Let’s just say you use a large volume of hand sanitizer at all times. So what’s the verdict you ask? I left walking away with tootsies smooth as a baby’s bum but I don’t think I’ll be returning for seconds!

Here are the last few pics from our trip up the telecom tower in KL. Did you know that Canada’s CN tower is the largest telecommunication tower in the world? Oh yeah!

xo Tegs