This morning, as we flew home from an amazing weekend sailing the Whitsundays, Dave reminded me that today was our 102ndmonth anniversary.

It brought me way back to the very first day that we started dating...July 30th, 2003. Actually it was in fact July 31st that Dave officially asked me to be his girlfriend, but we decided right then and there that if our anniversary fell on the 31st of the month we would only get to celebrate every other month, the ones that have 31 days...because yes, when you're 17 you celebrate 'anniversaries' on a monthly basis (one year just seemed like light years away). So naturally we nominated July 30th as the official date of our budding romance. Who would have thought it would have blossomed into a love like this, 8 and a half years or 102 crazy beautiful months later?!

I always knew I was going to marry that boy some day...
xo Tegs