Well friends...as they say The Honeymoon's Over. Excuse the cheesy idiom and me...while I go have a little cry over in the corner. I can't believe it has come and gone. It honestly felt like we blinked and then wondered if all of that really happened?! So it's a really good thing that I kept a bit of a journal and took a bazillion pictures to prove to myself that it really did happen and it wasn't ALL just a really, really amazing dream.
I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, they are so much better at it than I am.
Day 1 - September 4: London Bridge isn't falling down, And it isn't even called London Bridge.
Today we woke up in London, we couldn't be happier to start this grand adventure through Europe. To think that this is our honeymoon, is a dream come true and its been a long timing coming. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do than roam a new place with my handsome husband.
There are so many iconic sights to take in in this city. We started by walking to Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the London Eye.
We took a boat to London Bridge and you can rest assured, my friends, it's really not falling down. Fewwfff. It was a busy day, and the architecture here is unreal. I think it's just a foreshadow of what's to come in our days ahead, because a continent with this much history just oozes with old character and charm. I'm ready to soak it all up with a young, fresh, charmer holding my hand along the way.
Its hard to believe that its been six months since this dreamy day happened, but somehow we blinked and then lit some sparklers and now its 2014. I havent even had a chance to share some of the images that so beautifully documented our perfect day, so here it is: the official day that the DOW chronicles all began.
All images are credited to the wonderfully amazing Kelsy Nielson from Edmonton, Ab.
If you are looking for a photographer, we can't say enough good words about her
(and you can see why!)
All of me loves all of you,
Love your curves and all your edges,
All your perfect imperfections.
Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you,
You're my end and my beginning,
Even when I lose, Im winning,
Cause I give you all of me,
And you give me all of you.
xo Tegs
And a few more, just because.

Of course this day just wouldnt have been the same without my gorgeous leading ladies. I definitely hit the beautiful sister lottery, and I am forever grateful to have them in my life...long after the gliz and glamour of the wedding day fades away.
And of course our day is
always brighter when our littlest babes are in it too! My heart explodes for these precious cuties.
I am beyond blessed by these wonderful women in my life.
It's so so important to embrace all the ladies in our lives who lift us up, laugh with us and shine down endless rays of sunshine on our best and worst days. Thank you to these gorgeous girls for the lasting friendship and sacred sisterhood!
xo Tegs
I think the awesome men in our lives deserve a little time in the spotlight too. I mean, these are the guys who support and stand behind those glowing women, after all.
They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the circle of friends that they embrace. Which makes sense, because its easy to see that the buddys Dave surrounds himself with bring so much fun and genuine camaraderie to his days and to mine too. They are some stand up dudes! (And their wives make really wonderful besties...absolutely, really, really wonderful).
And now I have brothers! Brothers are a bit of a foreign concept to me, even though having these guys in my life isn't exactly new, now more than ever, I am realizing just how lucky I am to have these brothas from another mother! (and they make really awesome dads too - who gave this aunty and uncle some super adorable neices and nephew to love! So they are good for that too ;)
Love this moment with my dad! |
So today we cheers you, the men that light up our lives. Because there is nothing more handsome than a good heart.