I guess I’ve been putting off this post because writing it means that the time has come for us to pack up our life and move it back across the ocean to Canada. No more weekends on the beach when the waves call us over, no more warm sunsets on the sand. It feels strangely like coming to the end of an amazing book that you don’t want to be over. If you’re anything like me, you'll savour the last few pages and sometimes even leave them unread so that the story is never actually over. But that’s just not the way it works in real life. There are so many more amazing books out there being written just like there is a fresh new chapter for us to create on a blank page in Canada. These past two years in Australia will forever be cherished and we will look back on all the memories we created in the home we made here and smile. For it was there that we didn’t let our dreams just be dreams. They were dreams that we chased until they came true and it was magic.

So here's to new beginnings and the possibilities that lie ahead,
The future is looking bright.
xo Tegs