I am so happy to report back after my first couple weeks of marital bliss that being Mrs. Dow feels amazeballs. Seriously.
I mean only a mere three weeks ago I was all like "Nothings going to change, we've been living our happily ever after since the dinosaurs were kickin' it". But much to my (very happy) surprise, it feels like a new light fills the air (or maybe that's called summer, I don't know?) I guess that's why they call it the honeymoon phase!

So we made our very first purchase as honeymooners last weekend...a very appropriate and necessary purchase if I do say so myself.

Yep, shes a legit tandem bicycle built for two. Can you tell we have love on the brain? I know...I know... we JUST professed our ever abiding love for each other, but I can not WAIT to get my forever on with this handsome man!

We are ready to ride off into the sunset! Like they always say...two seats are better than one!
xo Tegs