Night 3: Mawenzi Camp Stars

Each evening after we reached camp, we did an acclimatization hike to spend time at higher altitude so that we could stretch out the lungs and get used to breathing thinner air with less oxygen content. I didn’t mind the extra mileage one bit because these quick ascents made me feel slightly more confident that my little ol’ lungs wouldn’t mysteriously forget to do their job during the night...I know, I know, but I used google to prepare for the trip remember, there is all sorts of craziness that pops up on there!

That's our tiny little camp waaaaaayyyy down below!
The sea-level dwelling Aussie blokes tested out their oxygen tanks that they had rented in advance, but seeing as we had true blue Canadian Rocky Mountain blood pumping through our veins we opted out.

On this night, I stayed up to watch the billions of tiny little stars light up the night sky. I owe the tip off to Del, because much to her surprise, the night before during her middle of the night washroom run, she saw the most incredible display. Unbeknownst to me, I would have completely missed it because there was no chance I was leaving the warmth of my tent once I was zipped in, no matter how much H2O I was taking in.

The nights were starting to get much colder. In addition to sleeping in my parka, I decided to zip my sleeping bag to Dave’s to create a double bag so that I could steal some body heat, cause lord knows I wasn’t throwin off any of my own!
xo Tegs



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