Last week was so jam packed with awesomeness that I'm going to need two posts to share all the fun we had (and that’s even despite a rotten bout of food poisoning that left Dave clinging to life on the airport floor...but more about that later!)
On Friday we kicked off my birthday week celeys by hopping a flight to Sydney after work. We met up with Aunty Joy at the train station once we landed, she is always just the most wonderful to us and we love any chance we get to spend with her. We had an awesome time catching up at her place for the evening. On Saturday we had a big family BBQ (FYI: a BIG family get together for us now consists of 12 people ...that is 90% of our aussie family in attendance!) where we finally got to meet both of Dave’s cousins sweet babes (Eve & Michael’s daughter Ayla and Josh & Jodies’s daughter Lily). They are born less than a month apart, and at 8 months old are just the most darling girls! We also had some fun hang time with big bro Cooper and big sis Mia!

In the afternoon we headed back to Bondi before venturing out to Darling Harbour for an evening on the town. So there we were, a gorgeous summer evening on Circular Quay...wind blowing through our hair (ok, just my hair...note Dave's new super short cut, which I think looks stunningly handsome if i do say so myself...which was inspired by the accidental racing stripe (see last weeks post). There is just something magical about being in the Opera House, maybe it’s the iconic nature of such a gorgeous structure that tugs at my engineering heart strings, but getting to go in for a performance was incredible.
Ever since we arrived to Australia, it’s been on our bucket list to see a concert in the Sydney Opera House and it just so happened that extra Jason Mraz tickets opened up on the weekend we had planed our trip, so we were all over it. If you are wondering what songs he sings, one of them is called Lucky...I sometimes think this song was written for Dave and I. A few years ago, I decided to make a little slide show (click on it at the end of this post to hear the song) of our first Aussie Adventure in 2009...and I couldn’t believe how perfectly it all fit together. It all came full circle on Saturday night while we were groovin to him singing that song live, in the Sydney Opera House, as we celebrated living out our amazing dreams together!

The concert hall is a really intimate venue, it almost felt like we were sitting around a campfire just chillin with the band. Dave ranked the concert as his top 2, next to Jack Johnson outside at the river stage last year...yep it was that awesome. So we went out for some drinks afterwards to soak up the evening at the Searock ... beware of the oysters people, you've been warned! It wasn’t until we got back to Eve & Michael’s, who were so generous to let us crash at their place (and maybe crash is actually appropriate for once), that all hell broke loose in Dave’s poor tummy. Needless to say that he didn’t sleep that evening and we had a plane to catch at 6:30 that morning. The attendants denied him on the flight as he was deemed too ill to fly and so we were forced to wait out the extreme sickness over the next six hours on the floor of the departure lounge. After some good meds and a lot of blue poweraide Dave pulled through like a champ and we were off for the next leg of our adventure in Melbourne!

The countdown is running low, only 2 more days left of being 25 and oh what an amazing year it has been. I'm ready to see what 26 has in store for me, because if its anything like 25 (which I think it will be) then it's going to be fabulous!
Xo Tegs