Our superhuman porters hung back to pack up camp. They take down all of the sleeping tents, sleeping bags, mats, kitchen tent - complete with all food items (to feed 11 hikers and 30 crew for 6 days!), cooking utensils, drinking water, washing water and our cute little dining tent - complete with tables and chairs, our "washroom"...cant forget that. I mean, it's a TON of stuff, and they pack it up with ninja speed, toss 'er over the shoulder and literally sprint right on past us, like an hour into our hike. We high five them on the way and I always slipped "my guy" Luca a few candies for the added energy burst, cause let me tell ya, he must have drawn the short straw having to carry my sac-o-shiz, lord bless him.

The plants were starting to get shorter, bushier and more desert-like as we gained elevation. We stopped for lunch just past the second cave...not too sure where the first cave was - must have missed the memo.

So remember those amazing porters who passed us carrying all the gear - yeah, well they had already beat us to the lunch spot at Second Cave and set up shop. I think we had soup, I remember a lot of soup - could have been carrot or celery or onion, same base flavor different veggie chopped up and thrown in, but always hot and it filled the belly! We put on the rain gear because if you do catch rain, it is at this reach of the hike that you are almost guaranteed to get wet. We lucked out with great weather, and just had a bit of a light shower for an hour or so. #whoohoo

From Simba Camp to Kikelewa Camp we walked 12 km and gained over 1050 m in elevation (2626 m to 3679m). At this point, the fog was so thick we still couldn't even see the end goal, Kibo, yet.

But polé polé (slowly, slowly) we made it! Our over night camp sites were shared by several groups, but everyone is just so exhausted after the long days and nights sleeping on the ground, that we took it pretty easy and snuggled into the sleeping bags to stay warm!
(My very first attempt at taking vids haha - looks like I need to hone these skills a little more)