I hope your days were overflowing with lots of fabulous family, laughter and fun! We had such a wonderful time celebrating the Christmas season, its been far too long since we could just share in the company of our families without having to rush off to someplace else we have to be. And with no apparent reason to leave the house, we just enjoyed looking out at the pretty white snow from our cozy perch inside. The past few days were spent in serious R&R mode and I must say I’m feeling so refreshed.

My family has a sacred Christmas tradition in which every year we open a new set of holiday PJs on Christmas Eve. This year my mama got cheeky with the wedding theme and we all partied it up in our wedding party wear! Nothing beats making these fun memories with my sisters, and on Christmas morning they opened their bridesmaids gifts...we’re off to Rihanna in March!

Im off to enjoy what’s left of 2012, savor every last bit of this amazing year friends!!

xo Tegs